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 About the Therapy

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 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS before your Therapy Session ;

What is Soul Integration Therapy , Soul Essence Retrieval & Recovery exactly ?


Self-limiting beliefs and behaviors are buried so deep in the unconscious that they become the default choices of day-to-day existence, keeping us stuck in negative reactive patterns, painful cycles of surviving, rather than truly thriving.
The fact that you're reading this is a very good indicator that you know there's more to life and you're ready to live it! Perhaps you feel unsettled, or that something's missing, or maybe you feel drawn, pulled, or nudged, but you have no idea why or toward what?  YES! That is your Soul...your True Self, beckoning you to awaken! And you will, because authenticity is the most natural, organic state in which we exist and at your very core, you already know. Integration, however, is the key to living it. Through this extraordinary journey of Self-discovery and renewal, clients will create a personalized blue-print of conscious, deliberate intentions and actions, allowing them the opportunity to re-unite with the deepest aspect of Self, reclaiming their Truth, re-establishing balance, and restoring integrity on every level. If you are ready to live fully awake, alive and present in your life…welcome to the Soul Integration & Soul Essence Recovery & Retrieval journey!



What kind of conditions can be harmonized and be treated with this method ?

- depression,

- addictions,

- isomnia,

- self-worth issues

- social anxiety

- fear & constant worries of financial problems

- fear of lack

- obsessions,

- easing the awakening process of a soul during the ascension process of the great    awakening ( since the year ; 1987 -   ongoing .... )

- physical condtions ( since all are ' soul based dis-ease / disharmony - no quick fix once physical conditions are developed ) 



What are Soul Fragments ?

Soul Fragments get ' created ' while we are going through all sorts of traumatic experiences in our life.

During our past life incarnations and even in our present one we all felt traumatized by others in a way at certain times.

When we were not fully aware of the experience's spiritual nature and what kind of learning curve it provided for us and we couldn't transcend it in consciousness and see the higher truth - We have the tendency to ' see our experiences, relationships in a distorted way ' and give a negative meaning to it 'cause of our past emotional wounds !

Our distorted and condtioned fearful socially conditioned " false nature ".

Its existence is based on past experiences and full of negative perceptions - not fully understood and resolved on an emotional & spiritual level at the time of the experience. When we are giving our power away " in a way of not being able to see the higher truth we leave something behind every time - a particle, a fragment of the Self .

This way we can't really own our inner power and we are only moving forward ' crippled in Soul and Consciousness until the Awakening Process starts and we start purifying , pulling back all sould fragments from all timelines and dimensions, resolving , releasing old patterns, cleansing of all distortions in perceptions and begin the Re-birthing process of the Human Soul eventually becoming its True and Natural Empowered Self again ! We are becoming Multidimensional in Nature , the way we were meant to be - Shinning in its most Brilliant way once again ; ONE within ; Balanced and in Harmony , Healthy & Wise. 



Why do we feel so lost , depressed or confused at times in our life ?

The cause of Depression and confusion is mainly not daring to be our true self ! We usually get so addapted to certain situations, influenced by other people or circumstances that we no longer capable to connect to our inner-self on a daily basis - It is a form of neglect of the self , a disconnection from Source / We are Source Extension /.

It is a lack of self-love, self-respect which usually stems from the wounded inner child ' which also carry self-worth issues as well. Lots of ancient Religious and even Spiritual Teachings sanctified ' self-sacrifice ' and wrapped it into ' sainthood ' which is very detrimental to a healthy self image.



Why are you working with Sound - Sigils / Symbols and Aroma Therapy and the combination of them all ?

I use to work for a while with bio-energy, however after a while I've realized that I'm only treating the symtoms and not the core cause of it ; The Soul which is in disharmony. Many doctors and / or healers are still treating only the body, but the body can't be healed completely while we disregard the health of the Soul and the Mind.

With a Healthy Soul there is no Sickness in the body - it is not possible. The Dis-Ease of the Soul creates the disease of the body & the mind. So I knew I want to treat the cause and not just the symptoms. 

Besides all of the above I also went through my own Awakening Process, a Soul Exhange / Walk-In process and my own " Inner House Cleaning & Soul purification " , so to speak. Therefore all that I am offering here I applied myself and eventually I arrived back to My Natural True and Authentic Self !

Sound can rearrange realities and molecules and help us to access our cellular memory. The same true for the Symbols and Visual Art / Sigils and using Aroma Therapy - the application of 100 % pure therapeutic grade Etheric Essential Oils.

Each one of these methods are effective on their own, but the combination of the three + some of the Power Postures of the body creates a leverage beyond your imagination. Plus the added bonus ; it is completely by passing the mind, so healing can take place automatically and fear based and distorted thought patterns can be released.



Why do you think that this method is the most Effective nowadays in Harmonizing & Balancing the Human Soul ?

The energies are continuously changing due to the activating solar flares and energetic information we are getting from our Sun and what was efficient in the old days are no longer effective or useful for us - our methods have to facilitate change 'cause matter can't be treated with matter & medication only. We are Evolving !

The application of Holistic approaches & methods are necesarry if we want to regain our health & balance. You can no longer believe that the disharmony of the Soul can be treated only with food, herbs and / or medications ( not mentioning their side effects etc. ). Simply just not working anymore as you can see how more and more people are suffering the consequencies of Separation within the self. Soul is #1 Priority , Spirit & Mind is a powerful source for our Physical Health. Sound , symbols and pure essential oils had been used thru the ages - It is my Holy Trinity - The Original Healer.



Who are you and why do you feel that you can facilitate such therapy ?

I have integrated my own self fragments with the help of these tools  - and periodically I asked others for assistance on my journey when it was needed - but after a while I became my own Master which is also possible for you.

We are here to assist one another when we become One with our True Natural Self -

once we Healed ourselves first.

I went through all of that you are going through right now - I know how it feels and I understand what you experience right now - I've not learned it ' from books , although I love to read a lot ' and studied in these areas since 1991 , however my real knowledge wasn't obtained from academic studies , but from my own experiences - I lived it and I survived it , although at times I also felt like you sometimes ; almost ' giving up ' the whole thing and go back to ' sleep ' - But my Commitment to myself was stronger than I previously thought. I think the Healers of the Future will be many of us like myself - who healed themselves on a Soul level. I think that qualifies for a true Master degree of Life itself ! I know you can do it too - the only thing you need is a Commitment to yourself that you no longer just seek for a ' quick fix or some kind of relief but for the Cure & Purification of the Self on All levels; MIND - BODY - SPIRIT. That is a choice, we all have to make at one point in our life - and only you can make that choice for you and no one else ! It is your responsibility ....


How come Academic Medicine has no knowledge of these methods or not applying them even if they have ?

Many people asked me that ; Well, it goes like this ; Not who's yelling the most or the loudest has the ' best tools ' - Commercials of antidepressants , heart medications or more are only there to treat the symptoms and the system is so controlled by the big pharma that nothing can get in until new systems are created and will lead the way into a new way of Healthy Soul based living & Self Care and a New Health Care System - and just think about it ; who would buy their medication is everyone figured out how to be healthy and stay healthy ? - You know the answer ; NO ONE !

Over medicating is a way of the sleeping human in order to wake him or her up in case he or she sees that it isn't working for them - but once they wake up they'll start searching. Somehow they feel it in their gut there must be another way and just because it is not popular or well established can be their way back to health and harmony.

We are all Energy , we are vibration and we feel when something isn't working for us any longer.

Listen to your Heart, find your own truth within yourself..... You're smart , you're here - you've found this page - Do you think this was a coincidence ? - YOU ANSWER IT !

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